Thai and foreign volunteers assist with the laying out of bodies under dry ice at a Buddhist temple near Khao Lak, Thailand, 2005, following the Asian tsunami, christmas 2004.
Thai and foreign volunteers assist with the laying out of bodies under dry ice at a Buddhist temple near Khao Lak, Thailand, 2005, following the Asian tsunami, christmas 2004.
Thai and foreign volunteers assist with the laying out of bodies under dry ice at a Buddhist temple near Khao Lak, Thailand, 2005, following the Asian tsunami, christmas 2004.
A Thai worker next to a container storing bodies that were collected after the Asian tsunami, Christmas 2004. Khao Lak, Thailand, January 2005.
Thai officials bury some of the thousands of unidentified bodies in mass graves near Khao Lak, Thailand in January 2005, following the tsunami which struck, christmas, 2004.
Thai officials bury some of the thousands of unidentified bodies in mass graves near Khao Lak, Thailand in January 2005, following the tsunami which struck, christmas, 2004.
Some of the thousands of unidentified bodies in mass graves near Khao Lak, Thailand in January 2005, following the tsunami which struck, christmas, 2004.
A child at her temporary shelter after her village was washed away by the Asian tsunami, Khao Lak, thailand, 2005.
Buddhist monks in Khao Lak, Thailand, walk the beaches where the Christmas 2004 tsunami struck, in their attempt to cast away the bad spirits they felt were present in the aftermath. January 2005.
Following the Asian tsunami of Christmas 2004, people seek information of missing loved ones and friends posted on an information wall in Phuket, Thailand. January 2005.
Spaces on the floor of a school room of some of the children missing following the Christmas 2004 Asian tsunami. Khao Lak, Thailand 2005
Aprons hang on pegs in a school room of some of the children missing following the Christmas 2004 Asian tsunami. Khao Lak, Thailand 2005.
Following the Asian tsunami of Christmas 2004, people seek information of missing loved ones and friends posted on an information wall in Phuket, Thailand. January 2005.
Workers scour debris on Phi-Phi island following the Asian tsunami of Christmas 2004. Thailand, January 2005