Lt. Colonel Johnny Bourne of 2nd Battalion, The Royal Gurkha Rifles addresses troops of 'A' and 'C' company's, prior to their operation into the 'Green Zone' of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.
Lt. Colonel Johnny Bourne of 2nd Battalion, The Royal Gurkha Rifles addresses troops of 'A' and 'C' company's, prior to their operation into the 'Green Zone' of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

The Royal Gurkha Rifles of 'C' company, clearing a compound believed to have been used by Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

The Royal Gurkha Rifles of 'C' company, clearing a compound believed to have been used by Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

The Royal Gurkha Rifles of 'C' company, clearing a compound believed to have been used by Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

A rifleman of 'C' company, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, takes cover during a 'contact' with Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

A machine-gunner of 'C' company, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, during a 'contact' with the Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

The Royal Gurkha Rifles of 'C' company, clearing a compound believed to have been used by Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

The Royal Gurkha Rifles of 'C' company, clearing a compound believed to have been used by Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

A soldier of 'C' company, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, uses his 'Kukri' knife to slice water melon, during a break in an operation in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

Esmat Mohammed, 7, is be-friended by soldiers of the Royal Gurkha Rifles in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, during an operation to clear out Taleban. September, 2007.
The Royal Gurkha Rifles of 'C' company, clearing a compound believed to have been used by Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.
A machine-gunner of 'C' company, The Royal Gurkha Rifles, pauses during the securing of a compound in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.
The Royal Gurkha Rifles of 'C' company, clearing a compound believed to have been used by Taleban, in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. September, 2007.

Esmat Mohammed, 7, takes cover behind a rifleman, of the Royal Gurkha Rifles in the 'Green Zone' area of Hydarabad, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, during an operation to clear out Taleban. September, 2007.